The last thing that has to be done to complete the registration process with Pet Partners is that Mum and I had to have a picture taken of the two of us - together! Well, I convinced her that an awkward selfie was hardly the way to go and Mum got a friend of hers to take some pics of us (me really... Mum was there as a chaperone and she did have to be in at least ONE of the pictures).
You can kind of see beyond the buildings here, the property goes on and on for a really long while since they grow a lot of the plants that they sell!
You can go one way....
They have covered areas with even more plants and stuff!
But wait... let's go this way! Down this path is the most beautiful garden I've ever seen! I'm only two years old so even though I haven't seen a lot of gardens Mum said this one is really special.
Betty thought I was really cute... she obviously has excellent taste in kitties!
Mum thinks that I should be a cat food spokescat or something... Did someone say "All the crunchies I can eat?!"
We found a really nice place in the shade and Mum held me in front of her.... No dice since I kept looking off to the side because there was SO MUCH TO SEE!! I was actually pretty distracted with all the flowers... and the bees... and the birds... and the people... It was a good thing that this wasn't an official visit although there were some kids there that I got to meet and they smiled at me a lot. Then, Mum remembered that I like to ride on her shoulders some times. Once I was up there, I found something much more fascinating, Betty's camera made noises that kept my attention! So here is our official badge picture. What do you think?
After a morning of all that paparazzi, I need a rest. You can find me laying low in my stroller... signing pawtographs.
*Basil's Mum here... I'd like to officially thank the wonderful Betty Doran for a great morning and taking such purrrfect pictures! Also, a huge thanks to Farmington Gardens for allowing us to roam the grounds and entertain staff while we took pics. If you live anywhere in the western Portland metro area, check them out!
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